Arizona voter registration guide
- Register to vote (online): 29 days before Election Day
- Register to vote (by mail): Postmarked by 29 days before Election Day
- Register to vote (in person): 29 days before Election Day
- If you can't remember if you're registered to vote, or you want to make sure your information is correct, you can check your Arizona registration using the Arizona voter registration lookup site.
- If you're not registered to vote, or you need to update your voter registration information, follow the instructions below.
To register in Arizona you must:
- be a citizen of the United States
- be a resident of Arizona and your county at least 29 days preceding the next election
- be 18 years old by the General Election
- be able to write your name or mark, unless prevented from doing so by physical disability
- not currently be declared an incapacitated person by a court of law.
You can register to vote online if you have an Arizona driver license, driver permit, or an Arizona state ID card issued by the Motor Vehicle Division.
- Visit the Arizona online voter registration site.
- Fill out all the required fields.
- You will be registered to vote as soon as you finish the workflow.
- You should receive your voter registration card in the mail within 2-3 weeks. If not, you might want to follow up with your local election office.
- The deadline to register to vote online is 29 days before Election Day.
To be eligible to vote a full ballot in Arizona, you must provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote.
If you have an Arizona state ID, you can use the National Voter Registration Form. Provide the ID number in Box 6, and this will serve as your proof of citizenship.
If you do not have an Arizona state ID, you can submit the Arizona state registration form with Box 10 or 11 filled out. You can use a Tribal ID, Alien Registration, Naturalization Certificate, or Citizenship Certificate number as your proof of citizenship.
Regardless of which form you use:
- Fill out the form completely.
- Print, date, and sign the form. If you do not have a printer, you can print the form out at any local library. If you do not have a stamp, you can buy one from any grocery store: just ask the cashier to sell you one.
- Mail your voter registration form your local election office.
- Contact your local election office to find where to register to vote in person.
- Bring your Arizona driver's license or state ID card with you. If you don't have one, bring ONE photo ID that shows your name, and ONE document that shows your name and Arizona address. Acceptable documents include a utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, residential lease, or any government document that shows your name and address.
For a first felony that is not an election-related offense, voting rights are restored upon completion of prison, parole, probation, and the payment of all fees (including restitution). For any other situation, citizens will have to apply to the court to have their voting rights restored.
- You cannot vote while incarcerated.
- You cannot vote while on parole.
- You cannot vote while on probation.
- You cannot vote upon completion of your sentence.
- Financial obligations:
- parole fees
- probation fees
- court fees
- restitution fees
- Please visit Restore Your Vote for additional information.
Local election office
Contact your local election office if you have questions.
Statewide election office
This is the statewide agency that is ultimately responsible for Arizona elections. You can contact them with questions, but your local election office will probably respond faster.
Secretary of State Elections Division 1700 W. Washington, 7th Floor Phoenix, AZ 85007‐2888